Cold brew coffee recipe


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Cold brew coffee

I’ve been obsessed with cold brew since I first tried it. With cold brew not widely available, it can be difficult to get hold of some when you want it, so I decided to make my own! It’s really simple to make and you probably own all of the equipment needed to make it.

How is cold brew different from iced coffee?

First, a mini science lesson into why cold brew tastes so great as opposed to iced coffee which can taste bitter or diluted.

When you cold brew coffee, you produce less acid as brewing in cold water produces different chemical reactions to brewing in hot water. Hot water cooks whilst it extracts which cause different chemical reactions and can release a bitter flavour from the tannins. With the cold brew method, the extraction is slower and brings out the sweet and natural flavours of the bean more subtly.

Cold brew method

There are many methods of making cold brew coffee but this one is a quick and easy method which produces enough for a few days worth of cold brew.


1. Set your grinder to a medium coarse setting, if it’s too fine you will find the cold brew cloudy and gritty.

2. You need a ratio of about 1:8 or 1:10 (depending on taste preference) coffee to water so if you are using a 6 cup cafetière which holds a litre of water, I would say to grind between about 70 – 80 grams of coffee.

3. Add 640 – 800ml cold water (depending which ratio you’re using) then stir and cover with cling film tightly just over the glass container, leave the lid off. (some people prefer to use bottled water as the tap water can affect the taste but you can play around and see what works for you)

4. Let the cold brew steep for 18-24 hours, out of the fridge.

5. Pop the lid of the cafetière on and press down GENTLY until all the grounds are at the bottom. I then filter my cold brew again through a coffee filter. Cold brew can last up to a week if stored correctly in the fridge.

6. Enjoy your delicious cold brew! Enjoy it on its own but you can add milk or flavourings or over ice if it’s a hot day.


One beauty of cold brew is, it is ready to go, so is perfect for a rushed morning or pre gym pick me up!

Below is a basic video tutorial for a one person cold brew, you can easily adapt this for more cold brew by using a bigger cafetiere and more coffee/water.

Cold brew tutorial